Okay my world has just about erupted.
The things that are pestering me
1. king of the list SCHOOL!!!!!!
2. my emos [ emotions]
3. I can not take control without my mom or
dad there with me aaaaaaaahhhhhhhh
4. I got spotted talking with the school
counselor and i have a million questions
everybody is asking me about MY personal life
5. Just because of me even though no one is
mad but i am i caused the whole class homework :(
6. I have every body being nice to me so i do not
talk bad about them in the counselor.
7. life is sooooo frustrating i wish i could rip my hair out
Any thing postive
1. Tabitha is being friendly!!!!!!!!!!!
p.s. any questions leave a comment
Sweetheart, I know things right now aren't going the way you want them to go. I don't think people are being nice to you just so you won't talk to the counselor about them. I think they care about your feelings. You are such a wonderful person, and people tell me all the time what a great person you are. Mrs. Menard is still telling mom how impressed she is with you. I am so proud of you, and I couldn't ask for a better daughter. You have a lot of people who love and care about you.
Your counselor seems very nice, and I really do think she will help you solve these problems. I would have never left today if I didn't have the confidence that she could help you.
Now, what is going on with the class having homework?
I know you had a rough couple weeks, but I do think there are some other good things you need to think about. You just started a soccer team that you enjoy. You have someone you can talk to at anytime about anything (me). You have a really nice counselor who wants to help you.
I love you sweetie, and I can't wait to see you. We are going to practice soccer very soon. That will be lots of fun. Remember we have a clothes shopping spree to go on also. I can't wait to see you.
Hi Emeline, I opened yur blog to see how things are going to find my sweet Emeline very upset. Sweetheart I hate to see you so upset. What is going on at your school? Are you having a hard time with the other kids? If so I wouldn't be suprised if some of the kids are jealous of you. You are such a good person and have feelings for other people. Em if ever you need to talk and your Mom isn't around just call me up (even at your dad's house and I'll call you right back) and I'll talk with you. Baby I love you so much and don't want to see you hurt as you are now.
From what you wrote it sounds like you have a counciler who you can talk to and that is a good thing.
I love you Emeline.
Emeline, I'm sorry about the problems at school I know they will get better, your mom and I are always available if you need to talk. We love you very much
Love Darric
Hey Sweetie,
I'm sorry to hear you're having a bit of a tough time right now. I know things seem really hard but your are such a wonderful girl with so many talents (and so many brains), I promise this will show through.
Sometimes it takes a little time for people to adjust to new people and they can make it hard because they have struggles that they themselves have a hard time dealing with. All you can do is be true to yourself and the person you are (because you are awesome!) It sounds silly, and it is, but I know in time the people with the kind of values that are important to you will appreciate you and the amazing things you have to offer.
I don't know if your mom told you, but I had a big move when I was about your age, so I can empathize with a bit of what you are going through.
If you want to talk, you can call me anytime. I love you, you're my niece and I want to help anyway I can.
Uncle Michael
Thanks mom, darric, and grandma
you guys know i will tell you anything in tough times such as right now.And darric i would tell you stuff but i know mom will go directly to you unless i tell her not to [i do not very often] I just want to say if i want any support my bff [clara ] and g-ma and darric mom dad and becca. Okay ur question mom i am gonna answer now. Some one must've seen us in the office and told Mrs. Langston and so the whole class started assuning it was Kolton a boy in the class who tries to boss me around and b mean 2 me and usally ignore
but anyway they started telling Mrs. Langston all the stuff he did and he ended up getting in trouble. [ not to b mean but he sooooooooooooooo deserves it] and so the whole class wasted 30 min. explaining this 2 mrs. L. and got H.W. and so yeah. Around 3 u should come over ma
thanks uncle micheal it means alot i 1st do not remember ur # so u have to give it to me! I miss u and even though it has been since ur wedding i can tell when i talk to u you are as awsome as i can remember. I hope i can see u again.
p.s. it means alot to me to know u are there just so u know.
p.p.s. my email is emeline.smith@gmail.com
I have such a great brother. My brother has had to deal with some of the same things you have had to deal with. I have also have had some of your same issues with moving, divorce, and starting a new school. I guess I have been so focused on you that I didn't think to share my own experiences.
Uncle Michael is a great listener, and I'm sure you can call him anytime.
You can tell me anything and if you ask me not to repeat it to Darric I won't. We do tell each other everything. However, as long as no one being hurt I would not even repeat it to him. You can tell him anything also, and if you ask him not to repeat it to me he would also honor your request.
I'll be over tomorrow, and start taping up your room.
Love you
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