Monday, May 31, 2010

In the 90s

So today [mon.] we went bowling since school is O-U-T out [well almost 3 days is nothing]
CRASH!!I close my eyes entering the bowling alley i know i am not anywhere else
depressing to find no strikes occured[in 2 games] only lucky enough to go for spares!.!
Know the first game was sad 92 is N-O-T not i repeat not exciting [frowny face]!
the second was to close to 100 so 99 is a better feeling!! anyway it was a good experince
and i loved it+ more practice

Sunday, May 30, 2010

A anouncement God, I have some N-E-W-S for you!!!!!

So today i went to Good Shepard [my church ] as usual!!! Sometimes i listen
to the sermon & sometimes i don't & today [Sunday] i did.So the priest Father
Earlandson ,as usual father E. says something to catch my attention, so i
listened and once again he caught my attention & i listened . Today
Father E. started saying we are God's friends [ i am not saying every exact detail but i
am giving you my point for my speech bellow.] and i thought HOW and YES!?! both at
the exact time. I just never really thought of us as God's friends [i am only in the middle
of Exodus so i haven't had time to think about it while reading Exodus!!!] sure i love him and all but friends is a different idea. It is not that i
don't like being God's friend it is just a odd way to think of such. [In my opinion.]
anyway i always almost CRY during sermon cause i get real deep in thought
and think of better ways i should spend my days,instead of NOT thinking about God
and sinning. So then he gets further into the sermon and starts taking about love with him
[God] and the people around us [on earth.]
I have got all my ideas about that subject written in my mind so no deep thought occurred.?.
So there is a tiny more but i leave that out for the time being. Anyway then he said in
the last of it " we spend less focus on God then we should, 1 hour is not enough" [there
was a little more but i am NOT i repeat NOT gonna give every little detail]
So i said a prayer to myself [but to God to] and finished it with a HUGE Amen.


Every single being should spend more
time talking to God and thinking about
him. We shouldn't say to ones self i can
[because i have] and NEVER do it that is
not fair to our creator!!! Either just NOT
think about it or keep your word.
God is right beside you watching.

Saturday, May 29, 2010


ok so we just tried our experiment and took
pics we just have 1. question does... it.... work....???

ok so bowling is a ques-tion it depends on claras body
and ecspecially GOD +CLARA!!!

No place like HOME

school is almost out!!!!!!!!!!!!!
me not so thrilled i feel like the
only kid on the planet loving school.
is that supposed to be a good thing?
i luv school this year 4 some reason!?!
anyway,......., i have the weekend till
wed.with dad the boys so called r doin' good.!.
me & dad r gonna do an experiment
were gonna get a close line wire &
a big pole thingie and get some home
deepo buckets and put holes in 'em
and some soil in the buckets and plant
tomato plants and c if they'll grow!!