Monday, May 31, 2010

In the 90s

So today [mon.] we went bowling since school is O-U-T out [well almost 3 days is nothing]
CRASH!!I close my eyes entering the bowling alley i know i am not anywhere else
depressing to find no strikes occured[in 2 games] only lucky enough to go for spares!.!
Know the first game was sad 92 is N-O-T not i repeat not exciting [frowny face]!
the second was to close to 100 so 99 is a better feeling!! anyway it was a good experince
and i loved it+ more practice


Patty said...

Emeline, Don't feel bad about your bowling score. When I was in grammer and high school I got really low scores bowling. In college for gym we had bowling and I use to get really excited if I got in the 90s and really really excited if I got in 100 or 105.
Yourbetter then your grandma was. Maybe the next time I'm in town we can all go bowling.
Love, Grandma

Anonymous said...

thank you
i would love that


Anonymous said...

thanks i would like to go bowling
