Sunday, May 30, 2010

A anouncement God, I have some N-E-W-S for you!!!!!

So today i went to Good Shepard [my church ] as usual!!! Sometimes i listen
to the sermon & sometimes i don't & today [Sunday] i did.So the priest Father
Earlandson ,as usual father E. says something to catch my attention, so i
listened and once again he caught my attention & i listened . Today
Father E. started saying we are God's friends [ i am not saying every exact detail but i
am giving you my point for my speech bellow.] and i thought HOW and YES!?! both at
the exact time. I just never really thought of us as God's friends [i am only in the middle
of Exodus so i haven't had time to think about it while reading Exodus!!!] sure i love him and all but friends is a different idea. It is not that i
don't like being God's friend it is just a odd way to think of such. [In my opinion.]
anyway i always almost CRY during sermon cause i get real deep in thought
and think of better ways i should spend my days,instead of NOT thinking about God
and sinning. So then he gets further into the sermon and starts taking about love with him
[God] and the people around us [on earth.]
I have got all my ideas about that subject written in my mind so no deep thought occurred.?.
So there is a tiny more but i leave that out for the time being. Anyway then he said in
the last of it " we spend less focus on God then we should, 1 hour is not enough" [there
was a little more but i am NOT i repeat NOT gonna give every little detail]
So i said a prayer to myself [but to God to] and finished it with a HUGE Amen.


Every single being should spend more
time talking to God and thinking about
him. We shouldn't say to ones self i can
[because i have] and NEVER do it that is
not fair to our creator!!! Either just NOT
think about it or keep your word.
God is right beside you watching.


Anonymous said...

Emeline, I am glad you are figuring this out now, and not when your older. A lot of people are much older to be where you are at now. Some people never even get to where you are spiritually. I am a proud mommy.

??? said...

Thank you i am glad i particapate reading
and listening to the sermon unlike
clara. she finds it very boring i must
explain so your happiness may rise!!
if you like i will write on my blog about
the sermon as long as i listen!! I am
sure to though.


p.s. when did you figure it out?

Anonymous said...

I didn't figure it out until I was an adult. Love you

Anonymous said...

