Sunday, June 20, 2010

Everyones got down the 10 commandments

Good shepherd [ my church ] the sermon was about
the 10 commandments.

So the 1st commandment is though shall have no other
Gods before me. Okay here in Texas we have No Gods
in general and NO kings or queens so that commandment
talk is officially OVER! So know we go on to the second
commandment is Do NOT serve any one i repeat anyone
except God!!!! Well i personally do not think i even served
God i mean i am a human being here i was born to sinn like
the rest of us so give the 10 year old a pass on that 1 please.
our third commandment we are looking at is do not take the
Lords name in vain. Yes i have took the Lords name in vain but
hey i am a kid so my brain is pretty much empty compared to a 20
year old girl mind!! But hey listen up i STOPED so i ask God to just
do a favor as to forgive me like the rest of us sinners! Know this
long Godly reading takes us to the 4th commandment here is
to work 6 days but Sunday is the 7th which when we must rest
and bring all hard work to an end. So we can spend our time with
the father. ok the next has already been broken way to many times
so God forgive me hear. Honor thy mother and father. I have disobeyed
plenty of times so there is no point in explaining them all. Further in the
blog we stop dead tracks to say The 6th is don't murder. now i never plan on
murdering but you know what 20 years from know my mind has got to
be in some what different place. Now commit adultery i do not plan to
do also cause know that i am not that type of person. Now 1 of dads favorite
words i must use [ it is fathers day so here goes nothing ] penultimate it
means second to last [ pen- olt- a- ment ] Do not lie sigh i have a addiction
but i must learn so i set my my mind to not lying and me and my mother
had a talk about this. Our last commandment 4 the day is not to covet
wishing you had something your friend had such as ohhh i like that teddy
bear of yours it is so pretty etc. kinda like sneakeness into getting what you want


Anonymous said...

I can't believe what I am reading comes from a 10 year old. I am so glad that you listen in church and think about what the preacher is saying. I am so proud of you. Mom

??? said...

Thanks i try to be with God alot